8 Colon Cleansing Remedies To Remove Toxins From Your Body

Many people struggle with regular bowel movements. If you don't have at least one bowel movement a day, you should consider a colon cleanse. Colon is where nutrients are absorbed into the body. It is also the home to billions of bacteria. The bacteria can help with nutrient absorption.
However, if your body could not release waste regularly, toxin may begin to form and seep into the bloodstream. There are many ailments that derive from poor digestive health. Some of them are chronic fatigue and constipation. Colon cleanse is a tasty way to help your body clear the accumulated waste.

Listed here are some of the ways using natural ingredients to perform a colon cleanse. 

1.  Salt Water Flush

This is probably the cheapest and easy to do remedy in the list. Salt helps to contract muscles of the digestive tract and encourage pooping. Here's how:
  1. Mix 1 liter of warm water with 2 teaspoon of sea salt. 
  2. Squeeze some lemon juice to help with the taste.
  3. Drink the mixture under 5 minutes.
  4. Lay down on the side and massage your belly.
  5. Repeat for the other side. 
  6. The urge to poop should come. 
  7. Do your business.
You can do this cleanse every few weeks. Bear in mind not to perform this cleanse too frequently as it may cause imbalance in electrolytes which in turn cause other health problems such as muscle weakness and changes in blood pressure.


2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the best detox ingredient out there. It has alkalizing and anti-inflammatory effects. It also can control blood glucose levels and lowers cholesterol. Its consumption is quite simple. You can add two teaspoon of it into your favorite vegie or fruit juice. Mixing it with water is the easiest way if you don't mind the bland taste.


3. Lemon & Ginger

Ginger is a powerful detox ingredient that can hype up your metabolism as well. While lemon had diuretic effects that helps with the cleansing process. Combination of both creates an incredible detoxing remedy that you must try.
  1. Add juice from half a lemon into 1 12-ounce cup of water.
  2. Grate some ginger into the mixture.
  3. Enjoy your drink. You can drink this on an empty stomach.

4. Lemon Water

Lemon has various benefits such as helping with bad breath, balance pH level of the body, promotes cell regeneration, detoxifies the liver and improve digestion. It is also a very easy to use ingredient to help with your colon cleansing mission. Here's how:
  1. Mix 8 oz of water and juice from half a lemon. 
  2. Stir well and drink.

5. 3 Day Apple Juice Fasting

Apple juice is known to provide energy boost thanks to its natural sugar content. It also can regulate bowel movements and helps in colon-cleansing, improve brain function as well as strengthening eye-sight. There's a thing called 3 day apple juice fast that will reap the full benefits of apple juice. Here's how:
  1. Take a light dinner the night before fasting. 
  2. Drink only fresh apple juice for 3 days whenever you feel hungry. No other foods will be consumed during this period.
  3. Be sure to drink a lot of water during the period.
This method is all about cleansing the body. You might feel less energetic during this fasting period but that is all normal. In the end, you will have a healthier body as the toxins are removed from your body.


6. Flax Seed Cleanse

Flax seed can help reduce cholesterol and glucose in the blood. It is also capable in removing mucus and parasite from the bowels. This cleanse will take a month. But, it acts as an additional practice on top of your normal diet unlike the 3 day apple cleanse.
  1. Boil one teaspoon of flax seed in a cup of water until it has a sticky texture.
  2. Strain it and drink before breakfast. Consume everyday up to a month.
  3. Have your normal meal as usual but do include more vegies and fruits.
Flax seed is a natural laxative so you'll visit the loo more often. It's a good thing as you get to pass out toxin more frequently.


7. Green Juice

This green juice only involves 3 green ingredients: apple, spinach and parsley(optional). The apple gives the juice sweetness and its mineral salt content gives it a laxative effect. The oxalic acid in the spinach helps boost the laxative effect.
  1. Blend 6 cups of baby spinach with 3 green apples. 
  2. Add 2 handful of parsley (optional). 
  3. Drink one cup every four hours.

8. Papaya & Lemon Smoothie

Papaya has sweet flavor and this probably is one of the tastiest detox remedy in this list. Papaya has high fiber content and a vital enzyme called papain. Papain boost food breakdown and thus helps in quicker absorption of the nutrients. Here's how to prepare:
  1. Mix 2 slices of papaya with juice from one lemon in 200 ml of water.
  2. Blend well and serve.

Make a whole bottle of the remedies here and keep it in the fridge. That way, you can pour yourself a glass of these wonders whenever you feel like it. There are a lot of other recipes out there that will certainly help with colon cleansing. But, the ones we picked in this list involves the least ingredients and easiest to apply. If you find this list useful, share it to those you think will need it.

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