10+ Interesting Ways To Use Vinegar Around The House

Vinegar contains acetic acid produced by the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria. It has indefinite life span and so, can be kept on your kitchen table for a very long time. there is so much more to vinegar than just being used in cooking and pickling foods.
Today, we will explore those options. So, be ready to an eye-opening experience.

1. Unclog Drain
After long use, our drains tend to get clogged with slimy sludge which narrows the pipe way. Believe it or not, mix of vinegar and baking soda works amazingly in cleaning up clogged drains.
  1. Start by pouring hot water down the drain. 
  2. Pour 1/2 c of baking soda into the drain and let it be for a few minutes. 
  3. Pour a mixture of 1 part vinegar and 1 part hot water down the drain. 
  4. Cover with drain plug and let the magic work for 10 minutes.
  5. Flush it all again with hot boiling water.


2. Remove Sticker Adhesive
After scraping adhesive tapes away, sometimes the sticky adhesive part of the tap still remains on the surface. It is still sticky to the touch and incredibly difficult to remove. An easy way to remove it is as follows:
  1. Soak a paper towel in warm water of vinegar.
  2. Rub it over the adhesive surface and let it be for 5 minutes. 
  3. Pull the paper towel away scrape the residue with ease.

3. Deodorize A Room
You can easily deodorize a room with vinegar. The best part is that you don't have to actually spray it all over the place. All you need to do is just put a bowl of vinegar at a corner in the house (or any place away from anything that may make it spill) for a few hours. It's definitely a safer option that commercial odor fresheners.


4. Vinegar Cleaning Spray
In case you run out of commercial cleaning spray, before you decide to go out to buy one, why not make one by yourself. It's pretty easy, good for wallet and less harmful to the environment.

  1. Mix 3 parts of water with 1 parts of vinegar.
  2. Put in 2 spoon of lemon juice. 
  3. Put a few drops of essential oil for better aroma (optional). 
As a rule of thumb, spray the mixture onto the surface to be cleaned and leave it for a few minutes before wiping it away with a wet cloth. 

5. Fruit Fly Trap
For this trap to work, we will be using apple cider vinegar. Fruit flies love the smell of it. Just follow the procedure below:
  1. Fill a jar with apple cider vinegar (deep enough to drown the fruit flies). 
  2. Add to drops of dish soap. 
  3. Cover the jar with a plastic sheet. 
  4. Secure the sheet with rubber band.
  5. Use toothpick to poke a few holes on the plastic sheet.
The fruit flies will wander into the jar via the holes but won't be able to get out.


6. Remove Cloth Wrinkles
As a survivor of hellish college life, I can say that we don't always have an iron to use. But, there are days when we need to iron our clothes for certain important event. And sometimes, we can't find someone to borrow it from. Amazingly, vinegar is just what we need to help with the job.
  1. Mix 1 part vinegar with 3 parts water. 
  2. Spray onto the clothes.
  3. Hang the clothes and let it dry.


7. Deter Cats From Touching Your Furniture
Cats dislike vinegar. So, if you want to keep them away from your furniture, spray it with vinegar. Mix one part of vinegar with 3 parts of water before spraying onto your furniture. Be sure to experiment at a tiny spot on your furniture to make sure it doesn't bleach it before spraying it on the entire thing. 


8. Keeps Flower Fresh Longer
It's good to have beautiful and live plants in the house. It creates a much more cheerful environment and simply just nice to look at. If you own an eatery, having live plants in the house makes it delightful. Your customers will love it. Here's how:
  1. Mix 1 quart of water with 2 teaspoon of sugar (as nourishment).
  2. Add 2 teaspoon of white vinegar (prevent bacterial growth). 
  3. Cut the lower stem at an angle (to increase surface area). 
  4. Arrange your flowers in the vase. 


9. Clean Spectacles
We all know the fogging the glasses with our breath before wiping it away technique. But, that is probably not the best way to clean the glasses. Oil and dirt still sticks onto the surface even after that. One of the proper way of cleaning them involves the use of vinegar.
  1. Mix 1 part of water with 1 part of vinegar.
  2. Mix well before spraying onto the spectacles. 
  3. Wipe the glasses with cloth. 

10. Restore Leather Shoe Shine
The shoe part is the least noticeable area of the body but not to those with keen eyes. It is necessary to keep it clean as well to give a good impression. Instead of only wiping the dirt away, use this method to make it shine brighter as well.
  1. Mix 1 part water with 1 part of vinegar.
  2. Soak a microfiber cloth in the mixture.
  3. Press the cloth all over the shoes or rub it until you can see a decent shine.


11. Kill Weeds
Vinegar is an effective plant killer. If you want to keep the area between the slots of your concrete clean, try this environmental-friendly way. Note that vinegar kills plants effectively. Therefore, don't pour it near your flowering plants just because you want to keep the weeds off from them. Chances are, it will kill your flowering plants as well.
  1. Mix 2 parts of vinegar with 1 part of soap and 2 part of water. 
  2. Pour the mixture onto the weed and make sure it seeps through the ground and reaches the roots.
  3. Wait for a day.
  4. The weed should be withered and easy to be pulled.


12. Clean Computer
The keyboard is one of the dirtiest place in your work station. Our hands are constantly touching the surface and sometimes it has grease and oil from the foods that we eat because we like to multitask. Try this cheap way to clean your keyboard with ease.
  1. Spray vinegar on a piece of cloth. 
  2. Rub the keyboard with the cloth. 
  3. Use cotton swab dipped in vinegar to clean hard to reach surfaces on the keyboard.


13. Clean Toothbrush
Toothbrush too needs cleaning. The brush area can detain water, making itself vulnerable to bacteria growth.
  1. Pour yourself a glass of vinegar. 
  2. Soak the brush part of the toothbrush into the vinegar. 
  3. Vinegar has bacteria-killing properties. So, let it do its job for a few hours. 
  4. Afterwards, put the brush under the running tap to wash the vinegar away. 
  5. Put the toothbrush upright and let it dry. 

14. Kill Mold
It is common to have black molds growing on the walls in our houses especially areas that are constantly exposed to moisture such as the toilet. However, having molds can pose health risks. Some people are sensitive to molds and may suffer complications such as nausea, eye irritation and skin irritation. If your home has a serious case of black mold growth, it is advisable to call experts and take care of the situation. However, if there's a tiny spot or two, try the following way to get rid of them.
  1. Spray vinegar without watering down onto the black mold. 
  2. Let it sit for an hour.
  3. Wipe it away with water and let it dry.


15. Unclog Mineral Deposits
Sometimes, our faucets or shower heads will get clogged with mineral deposits after a while. Fortunately, mineral deposits are easy to clean.
  1. Pour vinegar into a plastic bag. 
  2. Hold the plastic bag over the faucet/shower head. Make sure the entire head is submerged under the vinegar.
  3. Secure the plastic bag by tying it or temporarily taping it.
  4. Let it be for an hour before removing it. 
  5. Turn the water on hot to flush out the deposits if any.

This marks the end of this list. Hope it proves to be useful to the readers. If you think it's useful, share it. It may just help someone in need, especially that removing wrinkle idea.