10 Alternate Uses Of Expired Tea Bags

Tea is one of the healthiest drinks out there. Most of has a box of these stashed in the kitchen somewhere. However, not all of us loves tea that much till we drink it every day. When we feel like it, we pop one out of the box and brew ourselves a cup of refreshing natural goodness.
Sometimes, due to poor organizing and forgetfulness, we may discover an unopened box of tea in the bottom left drawer and nearing expiration date. Your first idea would probably be throwing all of them away and tell yourself, "I don't like tea anyway". Hold that thought! Read through this list and be enlightened!

1. Remove Shoe Odor

Shoe deodorized with tea bags
Having good smelling shoes is one of the greatest things you can have in life. Good thing in using tea bag is that you get to choose which scent you want your shoe to smell like. Just put at least a dry tea bag into each shoe overnight. The trick works because the tea bags absorb moisture and the smell out of the shoe.

2. Stop Bleeding After Tooth Extraction

Black tea is the super hero for this method. The tannins in black tea can help stop bleeding. Its mild antiseptic effect also can kill bacteria. The tea bags too helps as it can absorb the blood. Here's what you should do:
  • Steep a black tea bag in hot boiling water. 
  • Remove the tea bag and wait for it to cool.
  • Put the tea bag on the area.
  • Let it sit for at least 5 minutes.

3. Raise Soil Acidity For Your Plants

Plants like azalea, radish, sweet potatoes, parsley, pepper and rhubarb thrive well in acidic soil. Put one of the tea bags into the soil then water it. The acidity from the tea bag will last about a week. This method is also great when you want increase soil acidity under the plant. Note that other plants may not survive well in acidic soil. So, be careful when deciding where to bury the tea bag.

4. Foot Bath

Tea isn't only great for health but also make quite a good foot bath for pedicure. It helps you relax, kills bacteria to deodorize foot odor and smooth cracked heels. All you need to do is:
  • Steep 5 tea bags for 20 minutes in hot boiling water.
  • Wait for it to cool.
  • Soak your feet in it for about 20 minutes.

5. Reduce Bad Breath

Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth producing certain chemicals that contribute to the smell. Tea polyphenols can stop these bacteria from growing. It also helps prevent tooth decay. Gargling a cup of tea in your mouth may be a good idea if you're rushing to somewhere and have no time to properly brush your teeth.

6. Freshen Up Tight Spaces

Apartment toilet
Tight spaces such as toilet and closet may smell stuffy due to bad ventilation. But, it doesn't always have to be that way. You can make it smell great with your choice of tea bags! Hanging tea bags such as Good Earth Spiced tea fills the space with natural aroma that is just nice. It is not too strong but good enough to cover up other unknown nasty scents. You can try putting them in kitchen bins, fridge and gym bags as well.

7. Clean Mirrors And Windows

Tannic acid can dissolve dirt and grease. So, for this to work effectively, choose black tea. Black tea has the highest amount of tannic acid among other types of tea. For this cleaning hacks:
  • Steep a strong brew of black tea.
  • Let it cool off before filling them into the spray bottle.
  • Spray it at the window or mirror. 
  • Let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Wipe it off with a damp cloth. 

8. Deter Pests

For this to work, choose mint type of tea. Different tea may repel different kinds of pest. Use spearmint to repel ants and moths. On the other hand, use peppermint for rats, fleas and beetles. The steps involve sprinkling dried leaves on strategic area. You can also throw a few sachets of tea bags on hidden corners to deter rats. Peppermint may irritate rat's nasal cavities and they will flee in irritation. Put a few drops of peppermint oil on the tea bag for stronger effect.

9. Reduce Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes can happen one is stressed, having lack of sleep, hangovers, bad diet, etc. Using cucumber slices is a well-known remedy, but did you know you also can use tea bags? You can use green tea or black tea bags for this. Here's how:
  • Soak two tea bags on a bowl of warm water.
  • Put in the fridge to chill it for at least 30 minutes. 
  • Squeeze the water out from the bag a bit and put them on both of your eyes. 
  • Lay and rest for 15 minutes for the tea to work its magic. 
  • You can dip the tea bag back into the tea again for a recharge before putting on your eyes again.
Next time, you can use tea bags instead of cucumber as part of your facial care routine along with your mask. 

10. Remove Hand Odor

Chopping strong smelling foods such as garlic, onion and seafood will leave a certain smell on your hands. To get rid of the smell, rub the damp tea bag all over your hands and fingers before washing them with soap.

Everything has its alternative uses. Hope with this article, you will be much more informed of the untapped potential in the remains of your favorite tea! If you have any great ideas on the best tea for the best alternate uses, let us know in the comments!